He sounds very much like my DS when he was 2, except he was totally into numbers to start with. But he also never held a book upside down, which I found fascinating.
A couple of ideas come to me in reading all of this and the replies, so forgive me if it seems random.
First, I would not at all discount the idea of giving him a tablet. My DS loved his PowerTouch (if you can still find one of those, they're great -- not so much the LeapPad, which has to use the pen and is annoying) and would have adored a tablet if they'd existed back then. It's no less "real" than a book, and it will certainly cut down on the frustration he feels from not being able to manipulate things like he wants to. When your brain is so far ahead of your body, it can create a lot of anger -- DS used to pound his head on the floor because he just couldn't do the things his brain said he could do.
Second, I would not discount the idea that he might be on the Autism spectrum -- specifically Asperger's. He sounds so much like my DS that it seems possible, if not likely. It doesn't hurt to know, if you're dealing with that, especially when he gets to school and that diagnosis can help with services.
I would guess that he doesn't care for being read to because he processes everything visually -- he has to see the words for them to really register. I'm that way, and so is my son. He may have a photographic memory, which my DS did at that age. When he was 2 1/2, he wanted to know what the grocery list said, and I told him the words while he read them. Several weeks later, I opened a cabinet and he looked at the crackers and read "Ritz" on the box, which had been the first item on that list. That triggered him, and he proceeded to recite the entire list from memory. You might try working with him on memory, if you think that is the case, because we didn't, and DS doesn't seem to have a photographic memory anymore (he's 9).
I don't think I would worry about them learning both languages at the same time. Languages have a way of sorting themselves out in the brain, and it's great to get as many in as you can while the brain is still making those pathways.
Anyway, sounds like you're in for a ride -- good luck with that, and stick around here! It's the right place to be.