Take my advice with a grain of salt, but fwiw I don't think I'd worry about it right now. Some kids just aren't ready (maturity) to have math facts down and quickly until they are older - there's a wide variation of when math facts "click" with each individual child. It's important to have a good grasp on them before a child starts in on algebra etc at the middle/high school level, but your dd isn't there quite yet. I'm not familiar with EPGY course content because we haven't enrolled our kids in EPGY - but if she's been in a school program that doesn't emphasize math facts and she's continuing in the program next year and she's doing well in the program... I wouldn't think there's any need to panic over math facts.

I have one dd who is enrolled in Kumon, and this is just my impression but fwiw - Kumon (our experience) has been that they start off with math facts drilling to get the child in the habit of doing daily math work with something they can show quick progress at and feel successful about. Our dd also tested at least one grade level below where we feel she's really at (at Kumon) and I think we have a fairly good understanding of where she's at re math from the work she's been doing in school. The cynical side of me suspects that there might be a business incentive to say a child is slightly below the grade level they are really working at in math in order to sell a few more lessons wink
