Thank you all so very very much. I am reading and researching everything that you have said here. I did read the "Stealth Dyslexia" article and that is my daughter to a T. I appreciate so very much you all taking time to make me feel welcome and to offer me ideas, suggestions, and stories of similar kids.

I have done more and more reading in the last few days, and talked to DD a lot more about this voice thing. I am realizing that although she is a very motivated reader, she "sees" reading in an entirely different way. That is, she just kind of absorbs it in a way that I can't really relate to.

She is working on summer homework now, and I am going to do something we haven't ever done. She types most of her reports now. I am going to try letting her fully dictate her summer reports to me. I am curious to see if her written reports start to more resemble the way that she can easily talk in extreme detail about a subject. I had never agreed to typing her things for her before because I felt that she should learn to organize this stuff for herself - now that she has been diagnosed, I see that it is far harder than I would have expected. If this goes well I will look towards getting her a new laptop and Dragon.

Thank you all so much for your help.