Understand you want the best for you daughter and did not want to hurt your feelings, just wanted to question if the teacher wanted to move up with your daughter or if you were trying to have her moved- it was not clear. If she wants to move, they should let her of course, but if not, she should not be pushed to.

With regards to the color chart, yes, there are other methods, but the teacher will need some sort of classroom management system in place. No one system works for every child and anything new would be trial and error. No one wants your daughter to have a bad year, but the teacher will also have to do what works best for the majority of the kids.

Apologize if my previous post was harsh- rereading it, yes, it sounds that way. I just am hoping that in asking the school to be flexible, you too will be- and understand that all the children need to be served and while hopefully you will get a lot of what you want, it is not realistic to expect everything.

Suggesting a para was not meant to be an insult, but rather a possible solution. Paras can do wonders for a child by working one to one with them, taking them for walks in the hallway to calm down etc.