So, I had my child evaled and tested by a team of psychologists (one main one two of her minions assisted) at the children's hospital. When he was evaled and tested we did not know he had the vision issue. We were also made to wait for about an ahour and half b/c the main tester was late. We were given one short break amidst hours of testing during which DS6 ate a pastry and that was it (I think they were pushing to get done b/c they started late). I am unhappy with the eval and testing. First, the circumstances of waiting and lack of breaking the test up with breaks and some opportunity to get food), etc. The eval was weird and just not well-done imo (that's whole 'nother story). And of course he bombed the visual domain of the WISC b/c his eyes are intermittently crossing which we didn't knwo at the time. At the feedback, session I brought up that after watching the test I think something is wrng with DS' vision (or he has an LD) - they acted like I was a bit nutty (not sure why - I thought it was really obvious he couldn't see right!) So, of course I pursue the vision issue (and the LD issue) and we find, lo and behold, DS has the vision issue (which was affecting so much - his performance on the tests, his behavior at school, resistance to close-work tasks, etc). Still exploring LD issue. DS is now getting vision therapy and OT to help with that. Anyway, I want a re-eval and retesting done next year - after vision therapy, etc. And I want it done better (breaks, his hypotonia more accomodated for by giving breaks etc) and not being made to wait for 90 minutes for the test to even start.

How do I get this accomplished? When I first contacted "the team" I was told no he can't be re-evaled in a year b/c you usually only get re-evals every three years or so. I think I was told that that the main reason for that was that insurances won;t pay for another eval in a year unless "someting has changed wartrnating the re-eval." I contacted "the team" again for firmly this time and twith the vision diagnosis documetned and argued more strenuously for a re-eval in the spring. No one responded to me, No one.

Maybe I am going about this wrong? Am I missing soemthing? A step? I guess I am assuming that "the team" needs to make a finding that "something has changed warranting a re-test/eval" in order to get insurance to agree to payment and then we re-test and re-eval. But I don't know! I have no idea what I am doing or what I am suppose to be doing. And "the team" seems to be done with me. frown SHould I got to a different hospital? I could go to CHOP (children's hospital of Philadelphia)... I am thinking maybe I go there, see a new psych, giev that psych thetest and eval, give that psych the "new info" and get that hospital to request that ins. pay for a new eval and test in spring?

ANyone know?