My eldest was an extremely picky eater, refusing to eat solids in any meaningful way until forcibly weaned at 2.5 and even then continuing to consume as much of her calories as milk or fluids as she could get away with.

Over the course of nearly 7yrs old we offered her mostly only the few foods she would eat, never commented one what she ate beyond possibly "wow you were hungry today!" and being full of praise if she would try a bite of something new and never forcing more if she did try something and then refuse. As she got older we forced less fluid and insisted she eat a reasonable volume of meals (of foods we knew her to like). By almost 9 we had 10ish family meals she would eat without complaining.

And then we put her on an elimination diet and "surprise" there was almost nothing left that she wasn't quite happy to eat... She likes her lunch box much better on her diet! Her behaviour is vastly improved, her LDs seem less severe. All those years we spent slowly training her into a "healthier" diet while watching her development slowly become more and more abnormal...