Originally Posted by ColinsMum
I avoid using the word at all, precisely because there are so many different definitions.

[ETA: well, I suppose I have implicitly used it here, in that I'm sure I've described DS as "HG+" a few times (often, but probably not always, with the rider "untested but seems"). Here what I mean is "he seems as remarkable as the other children who get described as HG+" I suppose :-) ]

lol! I hope that I'm not going around throwing "gifted" into my day to day conversations re dds either unless I'm not thinking at all. I guess that I'm thinking in relation to what draws us here. What is it about our kids that makes them seem different enough from age peers that we need to discuss here; what is it about them that is "gifted" whereas another child is ND? Do we see them as different due to social differences, academic achievement, IQ, or something else? Would we still call them gifted if one of those things was lacking? i.e. -- is there some specific thing that must be in place in order for an individual to be gifted?