I just found this thread. I am having many of the same issues with my DS (age 6, just finishing kindergarten)... His coding score was 4 on the WISC!!!
I am exploring dysgraphia (he is reading above grade level and scored "average" on spelling and is above grade level in math too. But I am concerned is smart enough to compensate - I think he is hiding a disability and I fear it will catch up to him and I think it is possibly surpressing his WISC scores). I am getting further tests done by a pediatric neuropsych... I am not sure how good she is but she accepts our insurance, has good credientials and DS likes here so we went with her.... She came up with a battery of tests to specifically test for dysgraphia. I am also taking him for a developmental eye exam ( i suspect he may need vision therapy and have for well-over a year now) . We'll see what these results yield.
I am really concerned for my son... I think he is gifted but *something* is wrong ... I am really hoping it is something that (a) we figure out soon and (b) is easily addressed/treated,ect . I am really worried about him

and feel lost.