Verbal memory is working memory as well as sequencing. My son did well on that subtest, in the superior range.
My son definitely has convergence insufficiency, but he hit the ceiling on matrix reasoning subtest and came close on block design. His picture concepts is not as high, but still really good. I think convergence insufficiency affects how the eye team together when they are moving, i.e. reading or marking boxes on a coding test. It is probably less of a problem when they only have to look at a single picture at a time. Also, DS scored in the 80th percentile on the reading achievement test, and this is a kid whose eyes actually cross when he attempts to read long lines of type, so don't discount how well they can compensate for their deficits. They can look like they are doing "great" in a certain area compared to their age peers and still have serious issues. That is what I have found to be so tricky about this 2e thing.
I see my son as a visual-spatial and kinesthetic learner, but I have always thought there was something beyond learning style going on there. In addition to the convergence problem, he stutters and has issues with verbal fluency. His attention is not great, even outside of tasks involving visual-motor integration. So DS has issues beyond the convergence problem.
A poster on another board I read puts it this way, Learning style is a preference. You prefer to learn in a certain way, but can adapt to other styles when necessary. LD is when you can't learn in other styles. And a code 5 indicates something more serious than learning style issues to me.
On edit: I am going to put posters in this thread on my buddy list so I can check your posts and progress in the future, see if they are applicable to my DS