Originally Posted by oli
The thing is that she is not really academically challenged at her current level. Compared to her year older friends she is either at the same level or clearly ahead.
Ok then. Stop worrying about putting her with agemates and start worrying about if she will have enough challenge with her current group. At this point if she is happy you can let the challenge be handwritingand coloring but the poverbial handwriting is on the wall....you are going to have to provide the 'intellectual stimulation'for now? Which I'm sure you do in the normal course of the day by listening to her think aloud or sharing what you find interesting.

I would call the school now and talk to the gifted coordinator or school psychologist regarding the steps for early enterance. Play up her strong social bonds with the friends who are leaving for public bext year. Also check with the private school to see if they have any experience with similar situations and how to get the early enterance.

@Cricket2. Thanks for the WISC 5 update...it was totally off my radar!

@Oil Ask the school what tests they want. A WPPSI would be common for this purpose and has a very high probability of working well for the purpose of getting the early enterance but just so you know, it will underestimate how far into the gifted zone she sctually is.

Last edited by Grinity; 06/10/12 01:07 PM.

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