Originally Posted by Grinity
Hi Oil! Welcome
I think that one thing about many little girls is that they love social interaction and so do well no matter where you place then on one level. But that is all the more reason to keep her where she will get some academic challenge from time to time. You can't rel on her behavior to guide you so you have to figure out what messsage you want to send...that a bit of struggle is a good thing or that she needs to be insulated from using her noggin for academics.

Kids assume that you know what level of effort is required of them at school and that you intentionally want them at that level of challenge. The girls will often conform to that unspoken message whilr the boys often throw chairs. BOth approaches have pros and cons.

I would suggest a WISC 4 test when she turns 6 just to get some reasurrance

I agree with the bolded.