The real irony is that I have some guilt about feeling like I threw DS under the bus to accommodate his sister--we gave up his guaranteed spot at a charter (not...great, but it was a spot for K and 1) so she could go to this gifted magnet.

We'll see, but I'm pushing a skip closer to the front burner for DS. However, the emotional pitch for DD is so high at home already. There really is some intense jealousy of her brother going on. Fortunately, we do have at least a year to get things sorted. I am also slightly considering keeping him home for K and putting him into a sort of loose homeschool coop situation that seems to be cropping up. He is just going to be an easier child to accommodate in a lot of ways in that he does not have the intensity issues that DD does and is a lot more flexible. He's also extremely well-rounded--no overexcitabilities to speak of, good fine motor skills, and socioemotionally he's probably a bit advanced, although it could be that I am just comparing him to his sister at this age. However, it's true that I have yet to see how he does in a really structured environment.

Last edited by ultramarina; 05/22/12 08:17 AM.