With my oldest we were potty trained at 2 1/2 could have been at 2 but the baby sitter kept letting her go back to diapers.

My 2nd dd I tried candy, stickers, making her wear underwear anyway, spanking her for accidents (I was really frustrated, some days no accidents then everyday after everytime in her panties) nothing worked. At 3 we moved and she wanted to go to school, I told her she had to be potty trained, no more accidents, she decided to just go potty. So she got to start preschool that october and never looked back.

My son who is 3 is mostly potty trained and that just happened too. He is mostly, because sometimes he will poop on himself because he doesnt want to go potty. He wants to be a baby.

My son is hard to tell if he is gifted, but my two oldest girls show all the signs. I am having the oldest tested soon. It can be different for each.