Originally Posted by Jai
I feel like it is becoming a battle of the wills, and I am very frustrated.

Jai, my ds was relatively late to pt, and jmo, but it's most likely going to happen when your child is ready for it to happen - if you try to force it on them earlier it can very easily turn into a battle of wills.

We were in the same type of situation with our ds where we had a preschool we wanted him to be able to go into at 3 and a requirement was that the kids had to be potty-trained. I was so panicked but, fwiw, I found out after we had ds actually in the school - a lot of the "potty-trained" 3 year olds weren't really potty trained. The preschool schedule was set up to include a *lot* of lining up for bathroom breaks for every kid during the course of the day as well as there were always quite a few bags of dirty clothes hanging from kids' cubbies at pickup at the end of the day - you got the bag of dirty clothes when your child peed/etc in their pants. I was taking those bags home for what seemed like eternity... and so were a lot of other parents. Soooo - if you get halfway there, you may very well be at (or ahead) of some of the other kiddos.

Best wishes,
