Well, just as we feared, DD will not get to return to the college this fall, she did not turn in any written work and she stopped talking in her seminar (about the time her ADD meds stopped working). Interestingly, she did well on her oral which is a lengthy one on one discussion of her paper (that she did not write) with her teachers.

She will have to apply for re-admission and show what she has done to address the issues that held her back (anxiety and writing difficulties). Then she will need to repeat the spring semester if she is to go back. We had a long talk where I tried to convince her that she would be happier and more successful in a science/engineering program where she would play to her strengths and writing would not be such a huge factor, but she wants nothing else but to go back to this college and as soon as possible. So we have until August to show that the issues have been sorted out.

Question: since she did the heretofore unheard of and had a successful oral without even turning in a paper, I do believe that she would thrive if she could have accommodations that would allow her to give most or all of her written assignments to her teachers orally. Does that sound like an outrageous thing to ask? If the school could accommodate that, we could spend the summer working on anxiety and Executive functions with CBT and she could take a public speaking class at the local Community college.

Is this unrealistic?