Originally Posted by La Texican
choosing to skip or not skip totally depends on your lifestyle.

I'll second that. If DD had some of the options available that I see people here talking about - in-class differentiation, multi-subject subject acceleration, ability-grouped classes working ahead of level, extracurricular academic pursuits, etc. - a skip wouldn't have been the least-worst option.

In our area, DD is one of the top kids in her grade, despite the skip. My sister lives elsewhere, and her DD (whom I suspect of being smarter than mine - she's certainly more obviously advanced) is not the most advanced kid in her classroom, even without a skip. All else being equal, I'd prefer my kid to be unskipped in a classroom more like her cousin's, but moving across the country would have been a worse choice for our family than skipping DD, and leaving her in the lower grade would have been worse than skipping her, too.