Originally Posted by Kriston
One other thought: is your DS an introvert or an extrovert? (And please note that I'm not asking if he's shy--shy and introverted are two different things.) Does he prefer time alone to recharge, even if he likes to be social? Does being social make him tired, even cranky? Or does he get energized by being with people?

Are you an extrovert? Do you crave time with people? Your posts make it sound to me like you might be an extrovert. That's important, too.

If your son is an introvert, he may just prefer to play alone a lot, and that's fine as long as it's fine with him. Ultimately, the big deal with friends is going from 0 to 1. If he's got one playmate that he sees semi-regularly and if he's happy, then he's probably not a kid you need to worry about.



VERY interesting...I've never really thought about it that way. Thanks for some thought-provoking possibilities.

I DO know that we have no worries about disorders at this point. I am confident of that. But I haven't thought about his possible NEED and CONTENTMENT to spend more time alone. He seems to be an extrovert, as my husband and I are. But he also seems content in a variety of situations. He plays well within a group of children - never meets a stranger at the park. I guess I'm just hoping for that one special little friend that he absolutely loves to hang out with. I will take your advice and try to plug in with a crowd a few years older. Hopefully the HS co-op will have a good crowd.

Thanks again,