Originally Posted by eema
I have also learned that some parents of bright children are completely obnoxious.

I hear you on that one. Our problems arise usually from one topic - school choice. Why on earth do we drive 30-35 minutes one-way to a charter school when our school district lays golden eggs. Why, why, why. Uh, people let's stick with don't ask don't tell. It doesn't help that the school name includes the word gifted which i didn't even use in talking with others for months... and still often just say "charter" school.

You add to it - there are times I would love to use these women, these friends (mind you not random people or neighbors but true friends we've had for years) as a sounding board because sometimes I ask myself - why about the choice of school and whether we can make traditional public work.

I stopped saying hey my kid can by about 19 months. Then I'd safely point out when folks with similiar aged kids that weren't talking in paragraph form or at all.. and I'd say how she can walk right into walls... trying to play the 'hey she is just good at this' but that got harder to to and frankly when she was older it seemed silly. The lack of friend support on school choice is tough because I've always viewed my friendships as extended family. With the passing of both my parents the past few years... these relationships became even more important.

Someone had a good point that I've thought of and need to stick with - just ask questions, listen, and be interested in other people's lives. And keep school and GT issues off the table. If the market were better I swear we'd just move into a district with self-contained gt classrooms. And then we'd need to focus on the education piece without concerning ourselves to the location.

Thank you all so much. It was a crummy day when I posted... and while I don't wish ick on you ... it was nice to feel that it isn't just me.