Carrots, huh? Well, we'll try it too. I can tell when he hasn't had the Omega 3 supplement. When we run out, we'll look for Omega six. Yes, we are finally having success at school, now that the year is over...go figure. We didn't get into the monissory school, it's a lottery entry, so now we are faced with looking at private monissory schools or sending him back to the school he was at this year. I am not sure what we'll end up doing. We are going to ask his pediatrican and the neuro psych he is seeing next month. Everyone, including his current school, thinks that he is not a traditional schooling student. So we tried to get into the only monissory school within the public school system. So, now that we didn't get into it, we aren't sure what we will do. I can't home school, nor have the patience for it, as I am a real estate agent and just can't do it. The private school costs 350.00/month for half days and over 500/month for full days. They go until age 9. We are thinking this would be a good option, but not sure that we can afford it. I am so disappointed that he didn't get in, but now have to spend the next month or two trying to figure out what we are going to do for next year. Any one have suggestions? I never thought school was this difficult and stressful. I guess I have more of that in the future, huh? Mary Beth