I'm so glad it worked. I haven't logged in for a while and just saw your post.

The other thing we have found that really makes a huge difference is carrots. Apparently Beta Carotene makes a big difference. My husband does the cooking and found this one by accident when the store ran out of our brand of carrots. 2 weeks with no carrots and we were having problems.... when the carrots came back, no more troubles. Too weird.

We were really against the multivitamin thing until recommended recently by a neuropsych. She said some kids have different needs than others and no matter how healthy our son ate, it was possible that there was something that he simply needed more of. We tried it and it has helped more.

Just realized I only mentioned Omega 3. We actually use a supplement with 3 and 6 in it and found it to be an improvement over 3 alone.

I would really make a big deal over every good day you have. Positive reinforcement is great.

Don't count on this being the complete end to inattentiveness as he is only 4. However, maybe this is the start of a great year.

