Well, I'll call them this week and ask them. They are covered by our insurance and it is a child psychologist/neurologist..which sounds interesting. I think, after doing research and reading, I am going to request the Stanford Binet test. However, we have a consultation with the doctor in May, before we do the testing. They say they do this to get a feel for the child and understand what test would be right for him. I did appreciate that!

Ok, I am really confused about this talent search center thing. What is it? I stumbled onto this website through a search engine...trying to do as much research as possible and almost cried to find a chat room full of parents who are going through the same thing. None of my friends understand, and think I am just bragging about Marshall. Anyway, don't exactly understand the Davidson thing and what is out there. This has all happened within the last two weeks. I guess I've known deep down all along, but thought I would be the "proud" parent if I suggested such an idea. My mom is the first one who suggested it, after having Marshall stay with her for three days.

Anyway, what is hogiespage? I'll look in the chats to see if I can find it there.

Well, Jeff, my husband is going to teach him Chess today. I would have done it myself, but forgot the moves of each piece, as I've only played two or three times. We are planning a "train vacation" to feed some of his interests, but I can't seem to satisfy him enough. I took him to a World War Two museum here....don't worry, it's a museum full of the truck and tanks they used in the war. His comment was "mommy, these trucks are too old! Where are the new ones!" Ah, well. At least we saw the bat mobile.

As far as our options go in Fort Wayne, not really sure what's out there, except a college prep school that costs over 8,000/year! A little out of our budget. We have a wonderful monisory program through 8th grade, which we are hoping for. Not sure if that will be enough....