Well, I have had quite a whirlwind these last couple of weeks. More and more is emerging from Marshall. He has talked about light refraction, explained it to me as if "duh". Whizzed through a first grade computer program and exhausted all my resources for activities. "Determined" that different things were ok now. Stated that he couldn't, nor would he try, using a crayon or pencil because he might mess up the picture or not do it right. I have been focusing on just letting him be three, with playing, more than ever before, but part of that is just that I don't know what to do next. My husband and I are going to United Artist, a store for educational materials, and we are going to look for more advanced activities.

Tonight, I am a little stressed, as he had a very traumatizing tantrum at my parents house. He had an over stimulating day and was extremely tired. He wanted to watch King Kong, and as I didn't think that was in any way appropriate for a three year old, I told him no. He completely lost it and was shaking uncontrollably. I sometimes think, there is no way I can do this!

On a lighter note, I pushed him up a class in Sunday school, and he came running out afterward saying, "That was fun!" This is the first time he has really fully enjoyed himself. The teachers said he did great. A first really good report we've gotten from ANY teacher in a while. Also, his preschool teacher is looking into hoagiesgifted.org and we are going to brainstorm together on how we can make the end of the year more of a success for him.

So it was a good couple of weeks, with a few tantrums. But again, he is only three. He'll be four next week....praise GOD! This is one birthday I won't be crying over.