We are in the midst of advocating for our dd9. She is becoming increasingly frustrated at school. She used to be curious and interested in learning. We couldn't contain her desire to learn, to explore outside, to experiment (she loves science) and discuss her favorite books. After months of frustration in 3rd grade, she doesn't even want to go to school anymore. Unfortunately, she doesn't want to do much at home either, aside from read books. No more interest in experiments. No more interest in writing stories, which she used to absolutely love. It's as if the fire has gone out in her.

Her teacher thinks she is doing just fine. She gets straight A's without much effort and doesn't make waves in class. She also doesn't show behaviors that get her labeled as gifted, according to the school. We get a lot of "She is bright but not gifted. If she were gifted, she would do ________." I don't care what they want to call it, they still need to teach my kid.

We are going in for another conference soon, although they don't seem to get us anywhere. I think she does such a good job of fitting into the mould at school that it's starting to happen at home.

How do we help her break out?

s it ever appropriate to tell your child that you disagree with the way something is being taught at school?

She was excited to take a young readers course through CTY, but when we went to register her, she changed her mind and said she doesn't want to do it. It's too much effort. That is becoming more and more the norm. Everything is too much effort.

I appreciate your suggestions. It is breaking our hearts to see her disengage this way. I'd love to see the light come back in her eyes.