Originally Posted by polarbear
I am really surprised to read that in some places the average ability scores for GT programming are in the 70th percentile for ability. Also surprised to read of a state trying to cast a wide net so that no one is missed - that would be the polar opposite of the school district I'm in lol.


I don't think 70th percentile is the norm in many places, but it is an example of how some districts have other criteria which are much more important than actual ability testing scores and how redshirting can confer upon some children the label of being "gifted" by virtue of the fact that they older. It can be interpreted as trying to meet the academic needs of as many students as possible, but when gifted programming is designed to meet the needs of high-achieving vs. gifted, the needs of some of the kids (at both ends) are surely not being adressed properly.

She thought she could, so she did.