I wouldn't begrudge her kids the right to join GT a year behind their grade, because that's what redshirting to join a gt program is like.  You only get one chance to raise your kids, you should be able to do it how you see best.

Hmm., it seems like there's a conflict of interest then if they're dependent on keeping the system in aged-based tracking mode.  Funny, because it's like the article said their kids already have the nature and the nurture advantage.  Leadership edge seemed to matter more than competitiveness.  She wanted to make a little pond for her big fish, but without moving.  We'd have to think of a paradigm where they began to see more leadership development and networking opportunities increased for the savvy families if the classes became mixed-age and they had different peers in social studies than in math class.

Youth lives by personality, age lives by calculation. -- Aristotle on a calendar