Hmm--no homework sounds good, but school till 6pm does not! Doesn't sound like enough unstructured time for me. And my DD is not at all into team sports (apple doth not fall far from the tree) but loves to play actively outside...
Yes, I think I'd prefer him to get more unstructured time, too. Still, at least this way he gets some at school with his friends, the whole weekend with us, and, with no stress about getting stuff done at home, maximal use of what he has. Compared with many children I know here who have school until 3 or 4, then have to be in after-school care till 5.30 or 6 because their parents work full time, and then still have homework to do when they eventually get home (because it needed support not available at the after-school care place) it's definitely good. Also, although I used the word "sports", "physical activity" might have been a better choice - it isn't all team games, and they get increasing choice about what they do as they get older.