If he gets 100s on all of his tests, I'd say he's performing above average, unless the tests are so easy that all the average kids score that way too.
He might not be lazy, but perfectionistic. Do you think that's possible? Essentially, he might be afraid of a challenge because he might be afraid of failing, and feeling less smart. He might also feel like an impostor-- for instance if he knows he's considered to be gifted based on his IQ scores, but doesn't feel gifted.
He's not the first gifted kid to go into stealth mode.

I might start by trying to find a spark of interest in something and kindle it into a flame. At least the current educational fit isn't bad for him, except that it's not inspiring to him.
The tests are just right for most of the class I would say.
I don't think he's a perfectionist, but that's an interesting point. I think I did that a lot growing up, always feeling like an imposter, but I don't think that's his issue somehow.
Yes, I am happy that he is at least happy at school and makes friends easily and hey, he's getting 100s in the main group, even though he should be in the higher group.
He is a bit slow at his work and often off-task according to the teacher, because I think he is daydreaming a lot. So I think the teacher perceives him as somewhat average. But if there are other kids in there with the same IQ, let's say, but they have the people-pleasing thing going on, and all of their work is neat, and they are always on task, then they are technically more capable in the teacher's eyes. In that context, he is lazy.
Stealth mode is right