(Let me just preface this by saying that this is just about my kid, not any sort of general statement!
I wrote about my DS on another post here, but basically the short story is he is gifted (IQ 132), but is performing quite average. The teacher won't move him up into the higher level reading and math groups, which we have been trying to fight, to no avail. He has always had problems with organization and speed, and they are getting better as he matures. He still get 100s on all of his tests, with minimal effort.
We've looked into dyspraxia, ADD-inattentive, sluggish cognitive tempo, none of it really quite fits.
He is a likeable, easy-going kid. However, he is not a people-pleaser. He really doesn't give a hoot what a teacher thinks about him, as long as they aren't yelling at him, which they don't.
I'm starting to think that he is just a regular boy who happens to have a relatively high IQ. And I am also starting to think that he is.....well, lazy. I'm sure something will eventually kindle his interest and he will run away with it. But for now, I think I have to accept the fact that he is not going to jump through the hoops at school to try to get into the advanced groups, etc. He just doesn't care.
Lazy sounds like a negative word, and I don't mean to sound overly moralizing, but I think it's true. I think an individual can just be lazy. How do you cure Lazy?