My MG ds9 has SPD and wears a hoodie or jacket a lot in school. We pay attention to the texture and feel of his clothes-tags are removed immediately- he vacillates between sensory seeking and avoiding-his issues are propioceptive( not sure about spelling), vestibular and tactile. The book Out of Sync Child is what led me to getting him tested- which we did at 7. If a child grabs his shirt around the neck. The OT explained he REALLY feels like someone is trying to kill him(choke him) and has reacted very aggressively. Once we realized what was going on it really helped- the school knows and they look for the trigger IF there are any issues.. He loves deep pressure but even today he said he does not like for people to touch him unless it is his family- I think we just know how to do it right. For years before we knew about SPD we coslept- it was the only way he would sleep- he needed to be snuggled. Now I know he needed the pressure. We have a 504 but have never used it- I have it just in case we ever need it. He also has PANDAS which has some ADHD type behaviors but doesn't seem to be an issue right now- he is managing it so much better now. The best thing the OT did was give me the piece of paper to make the school pay attention and realize that if he is turning upside down in his chair he REALLY needs to!!