Originally Posted by mom123
I actually think my daughter learned quite a bit of verbal language from signing time (although, obviously one person's experience is not a scientific study)- if she just signed a word... "shoe" was a favorite of my daughter I would always just reinforce that with lots of language - "Do you want your shoes? Where are your shoes? Can you say shoe?" Then I might ask her to say it. She was a great early talker and I think that being exposed to lots of forms of early language was helpful. We also had lots of story and nursery rhyme CD's - might get her away from the signing...

Any favorites you can recommend? She used to like Word World, but Netflix took it off instant queue.

Shoes are big hit around here, too. wink She also loves making me put on her socks over and over haha.

Last edited by islandofapples; 12/20/11 11:00 AM.