She honestly barely spoke before this. She babbles but never spoke consistently. By 11 months she'd hit all the 18 month milestones (the doctor said) except... I'm not sure about the verbal ones. The signing has honestly been a really great thing. She can easily tell me now when she wants to nurse / eat / drink water / see the dog, etc.

I'm working on my business right now and DH is unemployed. So he hangs out in the play room with her all day.. and all day long he watches shows, programs or does college homework on the computer, or plays xbox. I *AM* worried about that.

He plays with her a little and will read to her when she brings him books, but she mostly plays by herself or hangs out with our dog all day(she requests the dog's presence by signing dog when the dog is downstairs... my child is really being "raised by wolves" ;o)

When she is tired, she sits on DH's lap and nods off to sleep while looking at whatever he's looking at.

I try to take breaks to read to her and just play with her, and she gets 1/2 hour to an hour of Signing Time some days.

When I was watching her full time and he was working, I spent a lot of time playing with her and showing her things. I'm trying to accept DH doesn't parent like me... if I nag him about stuff it is not good...he gets mad and acts like he plays with her a lot.

Also, he is "stuck" all day with the baby as I used to be and I know it can get draining. Everyone who knows DD would call her intense.

The only way to do things "my way" would be to basically quit my business and we need this business for our future.

So I guess I'm worried about more than just the DVDs. ;-(
(Though I just got DH to take the baby outside because it is nice out! Yay.)

Last edited by islandofapples; 12/20/11 10:19 AM.