Yep, I have gone through the whole Aleks thing several times. Still cannot figure out why they have no calculus (which I started studying in 12th grade, IIRC, and which we *did* use in physics in 12th grade, and that was normal high school, although on the science track). I think it is an artifact of the way things are sliced and diced in the US, as mentioned by ColinsMum.

Originally Posted by Austin
And this is why kids cannot give up at math as it is a vast field. being good at calculus does not mean you can read proofs.

Or why this former math major can't read those numbers in medical/psychology papers: way too applied, you know, and only something taught to students of lesser fields, such as medecine or, worse, business.

XKCD: Purity

Can't help thinking that statistics would be way more useful to me now than being able to solve a differential equation and compute the tensile strength of a spring (if I could even remember how to do it), but well...