DS8 is in the 3rd grade GT class but is subjected accelerated in Math to the 4th grade GT class and so studies 5th grade math at this time. The problem is that the 5th grade math is not a challenge at all and he has even commented that it is easy.

He was just accelerated in 2nd grade to the 3rd grade GT math class and it involved a couple of testing steps by the school and then by the district. He basically had to be 2-3 grades ahead (per high scores on year-end type achievement tests) and passed the district logic/problem-solving/explanation type assessment for the acceleration to be approved by the district.

I have no doubt that he can do the 6th grade math with the 5th grade GT math class. However, I am hesitant to rock the boat again so soon and accelerating now would mean that he would have to work alone in both 4th and 5th grade for math. He already asked me last year what would happen to him in 5th grade.

The other issue is that I am not sure that DS8 is that great in math as his strength is really verbal. He can manipulate multi-step algebraic equations to sovle for a variable, but is absolutely not visual-spatial. However, reading/language arts is not a problem since the requisite skills involved formal literary analysis and open-ended essay writing so it really doesn't matter whether his reading level is years ahead.

The other thought is to provide math at home, but DS8 is not really the acadmeic type although he reads quite a bit. Even though he was able to test "at least 2-3 years ahead" in math per the offical requirements, I have never provided formal curiculum at home. I think he was able to pass because he drew logical conclusions from what he already knew, plus he probably rememebered information from the times when he asked open-ended questions (out of the blue).

If we were to supplement at home, I don't know how we would do it. He doesn't like to be taught - is very impatient if you try to explain anything and won't even listen unless he can't figure it out by himself. His life is devoted to his laptop and nintendo dsi so we would have to tear him away from that to do any formal teaching/learning.

Any thoughts?