Thanks for all the responses. For now, I am leaving the school piece alone as he is not exactly complaining but more commenting with surprise that it is so easy.

He tried Kahn Academy and kind of likes it, although perhaps I should intervene so that he is making some kind of logical progression - the other day, he mentioned picking some trigonometry video, which he found interesting but knew that he was missing some knowledge to fully grasp it.

I signed up for the free trial, but it was limited to three hours and only allowed one assessment so it was difficult for me to gauge whether DS8 would like it. I also didn't know which assessment to pick so I went with the middle school-6th grade one. He only got about 65% correct so maybe I should have tested him on the 5th grade one. Anyhow, I think I would need to actually purchase it for the month to see whether it would be a good fit. Then again, I am also thinking EPGY or CTY since those programs are tailored for advance kids.

Polarbear - That is interesting to me that you are not visual-spatial but still love math and have a degree in it. I don't remember where I read the strong correclation between visual-spatial and math ability. Also, it is that I am biased because I am very visual-spatial and tied my own math abilities to that particular quality. Then again, after getting my math degree, I haven't use it in the last two decades.