Going on a couple weeks now with Butter (DD8) currently 3rd grade. We actually do independent study at a district school so, don't throw anything at me, but I feel like we get the best of both worlds. They gave us all the books and consumables and a contract that outlines the pacing the regular schools move at. I do the majority of supervising (because so far, I haven't had to "teach" the child anything ;)) at home...she has one optional class period for 3 hours plus 1/2 hr lunch once a week. The teacher covers science (with FOSS kits, they are good), guided writing and some odds and ends. They might have a benchmark or end of year test. On other days, she takes Multimedia, Drawing (for 6th+, but teacher is welcoming her) and Art (so 3 hours of art on Friday!), Games Club (all ages) and she wants to add guitar (same teacher as multimedia and he is impressed with her). They also have a peer tutoring lab, computer lab and of course library, etc. It's K-12, so they have an ASB that puts together fun events like ice cream socials and laser tag! lol!
I CANNOT SAY IT ENOUGH...I AM LOVING THIS SET UP!!!! Butter is a DREAM at home and is enjoying spreading her wings with lots of art and library time. It's great having the support of the school and I hope we can make it work for a long time.
I do have another DD 4yr 8mo that we put in a private K this year since she doesn't meet the cutoff. At this time, I would NOT consider homeschooling her, lol!