I started mine with writing lessons when he was 2, but he didn't start writing letters. He started with kumon mazes (they're not really mazes). They will follow your finger tracing on piece of paper if you're playful, just saying how, not saying mine wasn't early with the fine motor skills. After the kumon mazes we got a kumon letter tracing. I showed him letters are mostly sticks and circles. I had him memorize writing the #s while he practiced tracing the letters, because there's less of them. Then he copied letters, with instruction. Then he wrote letters from memory. Then we got HWT 2nd grade to practice writing the letter strokes in the right sequence, but at the same time covering sentence Grammer, when to capitalize, & punctuation marks rather than just practicing penmanship when he already wrote recognizable letters, just needed to learn the correct strokes. I'm really happy with the progress. I'm not saying if some kids can or some kids can't, just outlining the steps we took very successfully.