Originally Posted by polarbear
I'm not a contentious person by nature. I've had to really step outside of my personality in learning to effectively advocate for our ds.

I'm just the opposite! I have been described as very intimidating - not sure why since I think of myself as a big, fluffy teddybear. I guess it's because I have a big vocabulary and I am not afraid to use it smile Anyway, I wish that I hadn't stopped myself from speaking up more forcefully because I didn't want to be seen as "that parent." I wish I had insisted on a fine motor evaluation earlier instead of being put off by my pediatrician for more than 3 years. I wish I had yanked her out of her first classroom and threatened to sue the pants off the place the first time her teacher punished her for having a disability last year. I wish I had listened to the advice of literally every person I know and transferred her to my local school district as soon as she started to shut down and show the first signs of anxiety.

I know my child better than anyone else. As much as I don't want to alienate people who will be working with her I have to risk it when I see something isn't working the way it should.