My 4yo son is in the same class with the same teacher this year that my 6yo daughter was in last year. So, the teacher knows my daughter well and is familiar with our family.

We've known that our ds was bright. However, we've also known that he was born with brain damage, almost no hearing in one ear, and more than a few quirks. At conferences last week, the teacher said that there is no doubt in her mind that he is gifted. ACK!

To top that off, ds is a coaster. We know he knows things that he won't directly admit to us. (i.e. Reading signs from the backseat or answering his sisters math problems when we quiz her out loud for her homework.) He's also on the lazy side. I can hardly get him to raise his hands over his head so I can take his shirt off, nevermind thinking about him actually dressing himself. (Heresy, he says!)

What do you wish you had known about 2E from the get go? It's going to be a strange trip, I think. Especially since we're raising an optimally-gifted, line-toeing, oldest girl as well.