currently, my plan is to take my DD out of this school with a "contract". They give you the classwork when you know a child will be out for an extended time. I was already going to make a change over the holidays, but I can't keep sending her there everyday. I really think her self esteem is being damaged at this point. I don't think acceleration by subject is an option because that would mean all the other classes have to coordinate or she has to have individual instruction in the classroom. The teacher claims to be providing enrichment materials and says DD often doesn't want to do them. I think we could grade skip, the kids would be fine (our school is K-12 with less than 400 kids), but some parents in particular would make my life so miserable with their griping about how we rewarded DD's Bad behavior with a grade skip. Trust me, I KNOW them and I would NOT subject my child to that. Our district also does not ability group unless you go to the GATE program, which our school does not have.

So she will do the contract (classwork) at home while we go through the evaluation process. Yesterday it took her about 2.5 hours to finish a day's worth of work, homework, a spelling enrichment activity, 2 cards (on a break between classwork) and 20 minutes of reading (Harry Potter). Yesterday was WONDERFUL.

Our options (without further testing) are the local school. She qualifies for GATE(GT) which is a high ability and gifted kids in one of two classrooms. She might qualify for the seminar 3/4/5 class as well. We also have 2 homeschooling options, one online and one where the kids go to school one day a week. And I have my eye on 2 charters.

But alot will depend on the testing. If she turns out to be HG, I will push for seminar. If the psych reccomends a grade skip, we want to enter as a 4th grader, not pur her in now in 3rd then move her up, that could be awkward.

We have a lot of options and I feel it is well worth the money we will spend to help decide

I get excited when the library lets me know my books are ready for pickup...