(((HUGS)))(I think you need them too!)

Yes, our situations sound very similar. After 3 yrs. there, what will you do now? Do you have any other options? Have you considered accelerating her or skipping a grade?

We had the testing done by a private psychologist last year since the same behaviors were such a problem in presch. We decided that once and for all, we need to find out what's going on w/him. Funny, the psychologist handed me the same book to read while I waited for my son. lol

He (the psychologist) didn't seem to feel there were any issues other than being PG. He did say (even on his report)that w/out enough challenging or stimulating activities, he would tend towards acting out since he does have a high energy level.

I called him yesterday to discuss the situation and I had a very awkward conversation w/his wife who informed me that he passed away last month. : ( (he was in I'd say about his 70's, 80's around there)

Sooo....if we were to have further testing, I would now have to find someone else who, as you say, has experience w/gifted kids.

Oh, we found him by calling the gifted school in our area--they recommend psychologists for testing (to meet their entrance criteria). Unfortunately, that school runs about $15,000/yr in tuition; so, that's not an option.

I'd be curious to hear what you decide to do next. I will take a look at the article again -- thanks