Originally Posted by MumOfThree
HoneyBadger - the last link you provided is pretty much exactly how a developmental paed I recently heard speak described inattentive ADHD (he was speaking particular in gifted kids so maybe it's different in other kids, I don't know he didn't say).

Listening to him speak I realised that both my eldest and my husband have inattentive ADHD and that my middle girl possibly does too, though milder and without the co-morbidities.

Can I suggest you ask yourself why you think your DS has all the issues on the list but not ADHD? If you throw out preconceived notions of what inattentive ADHD is (mostly mine came from poor media coverage and hear-say) and think of it as this list then is that a good fit for your son? It's a great fit for my son. In fact that article was a great discussion of my whole family.

Hey MumOfThree --

I just got back from a consultation with my son's pediatrician. She agreed it sounded very much like he has Executive Function issues, but she said for insurance purposed she was coding it as ADHD-inattentive and she wants me to get him evaluated for that. She says insurance companies don't know what to do with EF terminology and she feels ADHD-Inattentive does fit him.

So we are going to go down that route now.