DD6 just gloated to me yesterday that she was able to devour an entire chapter book in two days. It was Captain Underpants.

Our nighttime reading right now is the Harry Potter series. We just finished Chamber of Secrets. Early in the series I had encouraged her to try reading some of it alone when she was having trouble trying to sleep, and she was frustrated that she hadn't made any progress whatsoever. Just a few nights ago I was late getting in for bedtime, she had read ahead a couple of pages already, and she was able to fill me in on what I'd missed. What a difference a few weeks makes, eh?

Now we've got Prisoner of Azkaban reserved for when it becomes available in the library, and in the meantime we're revisiting the Berenstain Bears books, because she still loves them, and hey, not everything needs to be a challenge. More importantly, she doesn't want to be in the middle of another chapter book when PoA becomes available.