Originally Posted by mom2twoboys
1st grader went through phases this year of reading A to Z mysteries, Magic Tree House and Beast Quest books. His passion right now is Greek mythology thanks to the Percy Jackson series. He read all 5 of those, Rick Riordan's The Lost Hero (same author) and is now reading The Red Pyramid.

so, after my DD finished reading all the Percy Jackson books, apparently she told some friends that God was "boring" and we should go back to worshipping the Greek Gods, as they are soooo much more interesting! lol!

I just let my kids read pretty much anything they can get their hands on. DD8 has more DH's taste for sci-fi and fantasy. She isn't interested in my old copies of Little House, Ramona, etc. I say just put a good assortment of things out or visit the library often.

I was usually allowed to go to the library unattended and spent MANY peacful and wonderful hours there, absorbed in stories. I started getting the "are you sure you're in the right section?" pretty early, but there's SO MUCH good stuff about how to make and do and discover in the "adult" section!

Also, if your child is a "tinker", you know, the kind who likes to collect and make contraptions, etc, a set of craft books and the DK books about how things work, with the cutaway views are just awesome, imo.

I get excited when the library lets me know my books are ready for pickup...