Let's see. My 6 year old 1st grader is eclectic.

This summer we selected picture, short chapter books and longer chapter books from the library on a weekly basis because on a whim he could be off the short chapter books and only reading picture books or off picture books and only reading longer chapter books. And for some reason he sometimes would grab one book and ask me to select the rest (don't know what that was about).

We started with Jon Scieszka and read most of his picture books (not the truck town ones) Stinky Cheese Man, and others....read a few time warp trios (short chapter books) and a longer book Spaceheadz (or something like that).

We did a few Beverly Cleary. He liked Henry Higgins and Mouse and the Motorcycle so far. I plan to get more of her books. Generally, I will read the first chapter, we might take turns reading the second chapter and the next thing I know he has finished the book.

I checked out a large stack of Arnold Lobel and Tomie dePaola stuff (picture and short chapter books) that he tore through in 2 days.

He has started on all the Capt. Underpants books and the first Diary of a Wimpy kid and Herbert's Wormhole.

Our read aloud for bedtime is currently Freddy goes to FL.

I am heading to the library tomorrow to get a new stack for him.

...reading is pleasure, not just something teachers make you do in school.~B. Cleary