Intparent...Yes. I am concerned that she still believes in Santa, when all her friends don't. I'm a bit surprised that she has taken this far, but I am ashamed that I played along and proved he existed year after year. She trusted us.

I am confused - I don't want to take it away from her. She is a very smart girl. I have such a hard time believing that she doesn't "know"....maybe she just still wants to play the game. I don't want to take that away from her, but the game is over if I tell her.

On the other hand, she is bothered that the kids at school are "choosing not to believe" and picking on her for "knowing the truth."

I'm not sure the girls she is with are mean. They ARE neighborhood girls. We moved her last year. Well, I think they are mean, but it seems that ALL the kids in the neighborhood seem to be mean in a way. So I figure it just must be me and my high standards. I know that SHE would never treat anyone like they do, but I figure, if this is how kids act, then maybe she needs to toughen up, which she DOES seem to be doing.

I agree about being emotionally steady. I AM supporting her running. I WILL bring her to the marathon and pay the fee and be happy for her. I guess I'm just venting and the fact that she has suddenly wanted to run long distances makes me wonder if something funny is going on with her.

She has been pre-professional dancing since 6. And before that at Dolly Dinkles. It is her major passion in life. She loves Ballet and my Dh drives her an hour, 3 to 4 times a week so she can go to a school with no anorexia and a wonderful staff - where the serious dancers almost all go where they want when the graduate...many with scholarships and some to companies. She has missed many a birthday party because of this. I let her know that she can quit and even suggest a break from time to time and she refuses. She just wants to add more and more classes...but I refuse. So the after school hip hop class for 5 weeks is a godsend...even if it's NOT Ballet! smile

I was just venting and feeling sorry for her for having all these issues come up at the same time. I don't let her know that I feel sorry for her, but I try to do little things...

Trying to see what other parents do who go through emotional times with their children - especially those children who really seemed to be coasting through life until they hit...9 She IS my first...just another reason to feel a little sorry for her.

Cause I have no idea what I'm doing! smile Thank you for all you advice and kind words.