When I was that age I was reading a lot of Farley Mowatt/Jack London books but the class was doing "See Spot Run" books. The teacher decided that I needed to do the "See Spot Run" books with the rest of the class. It was very frustrating.
After a bit of drama when I walked out of the school and could not be found - and some discussion with the school, I then got to go to the library for the first hour and then sat in the back of class reading, taking tests as required.
Mr W was evaluated at his Montessori School and we found that they just did the "three year" old stuff as the ceiling. When we looked at the evaluation form, which went all the way through K, he had almost all of it. Their response was that they just stop at three because he was just turned three.
As his new school, he will be evaluated in a week and we made sure they will use the test ceiling rules, not an age ceiling.
Last edited by Austin; 09/14/11 09:38 AM.