Originally Posted by Tallulah
they did do the study, and found there was a gene involved with the susceptibility to harm from formula. That gene had better not be related to susceptibility to IGT or PCOS, is all I can say.

Very interesting, I'd missed that. Here's the
full paper

However, the Wikipedia article on FADS2 (the gene concerned) says that several later studies failed to replicated this finding. One issue that may be relevant is how "breastfed" is defined - e.g., does it mean ever given breastmilk, or exclusively breastfed to 6 months, or what? The original study doesn't seem, on a quick read, to say. Maybe there's a conventional definition that the reader is supposed to know they used, but if not, and if the original and the replicating studies used different definitions, that could be important.

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