Originally Posted by annette
Here's my list:

1. breastfed until almost 2yo
2. provided a learning rich environment (lots of educational toys and books, play dates and activities, and hours and hours of reading books!)
3. now given vitamins/Omega
4. Lots of singing and instruments in home, also music classes
5. TV has always been within AAP guidelines and restricted to slow-frame shows. We let him go on the Computer whenever though, so technically we aren't in AAP limits for screen-time. We spend more time reading books than watching TV every day (or at least equal amounts). Maybe that's unusual.
6. organic diet and we use healthy cleaning products

So, I seem to be doing all the items suggested, but...

Husband and I are both HG (and very different), and son has inherited both of our strengths, so we like to think SYNERGY is at work here too.

I'm really curious what is typical for kids on this forum, or if following the above suggestions is atypical.

I feel guilty about how much TV he watches, and also that I can't get him to eat a healthier diet (he's a picky eater).

I was able to follow the above guidelines mainly because I don't work and I have just one child. I don't judge other moms because I'm not in their shoes, you know?

I do a lot of the things you mentioned, too, and it would be extremely hard to do most of it if I had to work full-time and/or was a single mother like some of my friends. I have a friend who desperately wanted to breastfeed her children and couldn't get it to work for her. I don't want to make anyone feel bad in this thread... A lot of this stuff you need support to achieve (and time off from work, too), breastfeeding included.

I am thinking that studies would try to control for the giftedness of parents, but intelligent parents may also be more likely to breastfeed / use eco-friendly products / read books, etc.?