oh wow, my DD has those mid sentence staring spells but they are very brief and I only notice them when I am mid-sentence lecturing her lol, I think it's just her way of tuning out to send me a message but I'll have to keep a closer watch now.

I usually stop talking and stare disappointedly if my boys look like they are rolling their eyes and repeat from the beginning.
The staring spells for this guy appeared after he read a few sentences. One of the strategies we were working on are ways to go back to where you remember you last read and he would go back to the beginning of the paragraph again almost insisting he didn't read past the first word. There was a swaying movement that looked like he was going to pass out but when I asked if he felt dizzy afterwards, I would get a puzzled look and asked why I would ask him that. After my son's seizure, I read there was such a thing as reading induced seizures.
I really enjoyed your quote from Anne Lamont. Thank you.