Justamom ---
There is a woman at my work, her step son failed his last quarter of classes as a Sr., is in peril of loosing scholarships etc., because he has alcohol and likely depression issues -- the dad refuses to get him counseling or other treatment. The kid is just falling apart and the dad assumes he just needs to 'pull himself together'.
A very good friend's son had a lot of issues when he got to HS. They tried a lot of things then they finally went for professional help.
The kid was put on a low dose of meds and had some behavior modification therapy in his Soph Year. His Sr year he was class president, got straight A's, captain of the football team, ya ya da.
A huge switch!
If your car was missing or running bad, you'd take it in right?
A comment I heard from the dad was that the psych said these problems tend to run in families and the same thing the kid suffers from often makes the parents not bring him in. The dad has been examining his life as a result, too.
Like on here, examining your kids help you to behold yourself...